
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Black History Month is Racist

In response to Adrianne Curry's boycott of BET and Black History Month:


She makes a valid point, but unfortunately America is not yet at that stage in collective thinking. It is very difficult to truly teach and preach equality when we find so many different categories by which to segregate ourselves. I'm not gonna get into naming these things but people are historically elitist to a certain extent, but now we have gotten clever and masked these actions by making them formal rules or policies that apply to everyone in theory, but only a certain few in practice. I feel black history month is necessary and relevant in today's world because it "forces" at least some parts of the story that are often times left out, to be told. Hell, alot places only talk about MLK and Malcolm X or Langston Hughes anyway. I am all for exposing the country to more Native American or Jewish history, however ( I may have a slight bias here) considering the number of "blacks" in America, the blatant injustice that has extended well beyond slavery into 2007, and the numerous contributions made by that same group to America, it is nothing short of pathetic how little those people are recognized or celebrated. Black history month is a necessary evil if you will. It sucks that we have to explicitly set aside time in the year to ensure that the people that have been labeled as "Black" can have their story told, but I also know that somewhere, that story wouldn't be told in the absence of such an event. Eventually maybe people in general, not just Americans, will grow to be fully accepting of all people as people and honor their stories and achievements and compile them into the great human diaspora, but until that day comes, alot of people have to be force fed.

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