On April 18, 2007 I will turn 20 years old. Looking back through the years and recognizing how while I have lived a lot of life and learned a lot of things, its still only the beginning. I am definitely at a checkpoint in life where you up the difficulty. Switching from rookie to pro if you will.
For instance, previously you were "the kids". Now there is a generation below you. Before if one of your friends had a child, the response was, "Aww, poor ______." Now that response is shifting to, "Awwww, thats wonderful!" and soon enough it will be, "Well its about damn time!" Hell, when my parents were my age, they had less than five years until I was around and asking whats for dinner. I don't have the slightest clue what I would do with a child now or anytime in the foreseeable future. The closeness of all these things are really hitting me lately. In two years I need to be doing something I plan on doing for the rest of my working life, married two years after that, with a family in another three. Damn.
Think about this. Now your expected to give more Christmas gifts than you get, or at least as many, cause its not about you anymore, its about this new generation. This generation that doesn't know the original Power Rangers, or that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles real enemy is Shredder and would never work with the Foot (and why isn't April a TV reporter anymore? What is this businesswoman/South American ancient history buff/ninja crap?).
But its just a part of life that all of us go through. I enjoyed my childhood and my adolescence. Now its time to move on to adulthood. Bring it on, I'm ready.
Another sign that your old, not only do you kind of forget that your birthday is coming up, you have absolutely no clue what you want for it!