Anderson cooper did a story on the movement and how in urban area's police are having a hard time getting cooperation when tryin to solve crimes, but not just from witnesses (because poorer people or people living in less wealthy areas tend to not like police anyway.) Victims are also not cooperating and they think its partially because of the commercialization of stop snitchin. In the interview Camron says, and i quote "If the serial killer is next door, I'm not gonna go run and tell anybody. I'm gonna move, but i aint gonna be like the killer is in 4E." Also a dude got killed at the video shoot for busta's touch it video, and of the 20 or so people in the room when he got shot, including Busta himself, not one will coop with the police cause they don't wanna lose "street cred". Not to mention the tagline for Lil Kim's show on BET that chronicled her days before going to jail for purjury was, "She's going to jail with her mouth closed and her head held high." Then black people are quick to complain about why we cant come up and grow as a people. We blame the whiteman or the mexican, and look at what we do to each other. We complain about being forced to live in bad neighborhoods but when in reality, we creatin the bad neighborhoods by not snitchin. Whites snitch all the time, and look at their neighborhoods. We don't snitch, but we are scared to come home at night because we might get robbed. Not that their arent bad white neighborhoods or good black ones, but you get the point. We are too busy trying to be cool and have street cred and all this stuff, that we dont report crimes that happen on our block or in our homes. We spend so much time and energy trying to be hard that we just end up makin life hard for ourselves, our families, our kids, and everybody else in the process. And then we wonder why we are in the predicament we are now.
To clarify, I'm not saying to go be a taddle tale or whatever term you would like to use, but I am saying that we should stop complaining about problems that we perpetuate through our mindset. Just so that there is no confusion, I am not a snitch but if the serial killer lives in 4E and I know he/she lives in 4E, so do the cops. Not because I like seeing my brothers and sisters (of any race) behind bars, but because I'm tired of seeing those same brothers and sisters in body bags.