I'm tired and its late. For those that have been on the receiving end of some of lunar rants, you should already know that the night brings out my analytical side. Well on this evening / morning I've turned my all seeing eye towards Chris Rock's latest film effort, I Think I Love My Wife. For those who haven't seen the movie, Rock stars as a middle-aged investment banker Richard Cooper, that is happily married to the mother of his two kids. Unfortunately he is (as only he can exclaim) "Bored out of his fucking mind!!" That is until Kerry Washington (from The Last King of Scotland and to the guys reading, she was in She Hate Me) shows up as super sexy ex-girlfriend, and predictable madness ensues.
Now while this movie isn't the pinnacle of greatness in movie making, storytelling, or anything at all for that matter., it does raise some interesting things about relationships in general. (Hell, Chris Rock is known for his blunt honesty.) The entire movie plays out with Rock basically deciding between his wife and his ex. A friend of mine is famous for his adage of ,"A man is only as faithful as his options. As long as you you remain his best choice, he isn't going anywhere."
Well long story short, Cooper is looking at his options. On one hand he has his wife. Great mother, independent woman, loving wife, but routine and in his eyes boring. On the other he has Nikki, Washington's character, who is young, fresh, wears sexy panties, and needs Cooper. Nikki is the brand new Porsche while his wife is a minivan. Nikki is everything he feels he is missing in his relationship.
So the Porsche is the better option right? Not necessarily. When you want to be flashy at the club, yes. You just want to look good, sure. Live fast, you only live once, and all that other stuff. But when you have weight you need to carry, you need a minivan. When there is baggage, when or when someone else is depending on you for a ride, you need a minivan. A Porsche is flashy, a minivan is functional. The minivan isn't gonna roll 24s, nor will King Kong reside in its cargo bay, but down the line its the best choice for you. (Of course this whole analogy is relative to what you need in your life, but your smart and get the idea, right?)
Everyone who has been in a relationship before knows there will be hard times. And any guy or girl for that matter would be lying if they said they never for one second entertained the idea of being either single or with someone else in their head when those tough times were their toughest. Relationship difficulties are a universal occurance and are probably one of the most relatable experiences. Everyone is differnet, yet they are all the same. Im not discouraging anyone from looking at their options. I just ask that when you are looking at your options, make sure the bling from the chromed out Porsche doesn't blind you, when you know damn well yo kids cant ride in that.